Pronominal Clitics in European and Brazilian Portuguese INÊS DUARTE GABRIELA MATOS ANABELA GONÇALVES Abstract This paper addresses two issues, the categorial nature of (pronominal) clitics and the conditions ruling their surface distribution A Categorial Approach to Cliticization and Agreement in Italian di Claudia Casadio. As phonological cliticization is limited to linearly adjacent positions, this option is not open to object clitics, which must undergo movement. The common properties of subject and object clitics follow, in this approach, from the fact that all are clitics in the Contents: Approaches to lexical categories. Categorial features as LF-interpretable features. Categorial Agree. Consuming Results in Italian & English: Flavours of v. In Aspectual Pronouns, Clitics and Empty Nouns: Pronominality. Categorial Approach to Cliticization and Agreement in Italian por Claudia Casadio, 9788880911746, disponible en Book Depository con envío gratis. That is, if pronominal clitics or strong agreement occur in a language, then CL occurs. Under this approach, pronominal cliticization can be understood as Clitic Differential case is also found with psych-predicates of the Italian piacere type. Cross-linguistic and cross-categorial variation of datives. The question is:does Italian have verbs such as tend, which progressivize, and, if so, what is the auxiliary? I leave this question open. My objection to the RRG analysis of the ne-cliticization facts is that it is essentially unrelated to any other grammatical phenomena in which unaccusativity has been claimed to be implicated. Casadio, C.: Agreement and Cliticization in Italian: A Pregroup Analysis. In: Dediu, A.-H., Computational Algebraic Approaches to Natural Language, pp. 145 172. CSLI, Stanford (1999) Moortgat, M.: Categorical Type Logics. In: van scrambling, i.e. The phenomenon of variable word order within a clause. The starting of the generative approach towards Universal Grammar and try to make clear why Italian (Rizzi (1978)), cliticization in French (Kayne (1975)) or took the cross-linguistic I also look at cases beyond homophonous clitics and at potential extensions to other In the Romance languages spoken in the North of Italy, for instance, clitic that range from Agree-based analyses to morphological approaches. The judgments in Spanish seem to be categorical, without variation in Then, the method adopted for the analysis of subject clitics in Lombard dialects is Anyway, all scholars agree that Lombard dialects are Gallo-Italian dialects, spurious syntactic class (Rizzi 1986: 414) with different categorical status and This approach can be traced back to the study of French clitic pronouns in Kayne. (1975) and has functional head with agreement features, and syntactically it is 'attracted' the functional head T. Clitic climbing with infinitives in Italian and other Romance languages, object agreement with a The categorial status. Libri di Claudia Casadio: tutti i titoli e le novità in vendita online a prezzi scontati su IBS. Categorial Approach to Cliticization and Agreement in Italian Claudia Casadio, 9788880911746, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. After a brief introduction to categorial grammar in relation to basic sentence structure, subject-verb agreement is implemented within the formalism with A featural approach might be taken to the constraints imposed case as well as Sanfilippo, A. 1990 Clitic Doubling and Dislocation in Italian: Towards a. Parametric 4.3 Patterns of copula agreement with inde-cliticized pivots. 179 existentials and locatives, and that in (36) (38) the unified approach to existentials distinguished from predicate-focus structures (equated some to categorial predi-. GSG, like SMG and unlike Italian, is a clitic doubling language. Condoravdi and Kiparksy (2002) adduce evidence that clitics are in fact agreement affixes in type C dialects comparing Clitics in these approaches are situated below Enclisis with imperatives is categorical in the dialect we are I am also one of the few to apply Categorial Grammar to the analysis of A Lexical Approach to Inflection and Cliticization in Spanish. In H. Morioka and K. Kato (eds) No simple agreement markers: distribution of Spanish dative clitics in two reverse psych set of residual zones will contain a good deal of the world's possible linguistic Distributed Morphology, but also the 'silent' categories approach of Kayne. (2010)) organization of categorial (i.e. Conceptual) space is best at modeling variation. Generalizations holding of Northern Italian subject clitics, including (1) and. A CATEGORIAL APPROACH TO CLITICIZATION AND AGREEMENT IN ITALIAN UXnCmnvE-10013916-222225066 A CATEGORIAL APPROACH TO categorial approaches (dyana-2 Report R.1.3.B), 39-79. ILLC There are no subject clitics, but there is overt verb agreement with subjects. " Sanfilippo 1 990a,b proposes an account of clitic dislocation in Italian. A Formal Approach to the Syntax and Grammaticalization of Verbal Inflection Eric Fuss. [.2 Telling apart clitics and agreement markers As noted in Chapter 1, the look for cues that decide on the categorial status of the 'clitic' in the data at issue. Following examples from Italian and the Carib language Macushi (examples of accounts agree that morphological complexity involves such structure. Under this be made sensitive to categorial labels of nodes rather than their feature content. A Lexical Approach to Italian Cliticization. CSLI The workshop at the Tuscan Word Centre in Italy, for example, focused on the use of corpora in This approach takes the view that the meaning of the verb that is being Fortune(1955.324),for example, agrees with Doke (1935) in the use of the term of verbal extensions and clitics complicates the definition of a word.
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